Monday, April 6, 2009

Home Again

So, I know its been a few months since I've updated, but I've been sort of rather busy... and running around like krayzee.... lets see if i can do a recap of the past months for yall...
Well... i moved in with 2 of my friends in the beginning of february... lived there for about a month and a half, went out every weekend, had a blast...
then i met up with an old friend of mynes... and we chillled one night and then everynight from then on...
i ended up moving in with him at one of my other friends houses... she wanted my help in keeping the boys under control.... so i did.. then the first girl i lived with got mad and started drama and me and my boyfriend left to our place....
well, everything was great and fun for a month, and now we are broken up... said he had to work some things out before we got back together... okay, first off... i love this boy to death.. more than anything.. ive never been so happy before.... but i mean, its whatever... i reckon hes happy now so iag... i think a big thing of it had to do with his ex... bkz she is psycho.. i mean absolutley pshycho... said if he stopped talking to her shed kill herself... yea, that kind of krayzee... and finally after she kept coming around the house and txting and calling him i got sick of it and told him he had to let her go.. if she was gona kill herself she woulda done it when he stopped talking to her for 5 days... she needed to go or i was gona go... and so he talked to her one night told her she needed to leave him alone and blahblahblah.... she did...
and now come to find out, he hooked up with her the morning i dropped him off and went to work after the first night we chilled, and then cuddled me that night... its fucked up. horridly... but its whatever i guess...
idk.. i just cant help but love him. he makes me genuinely happpy... i smile for real, i laugh for real, i do everything for real... he makes me so happy... and he told me i made him happy and everything... but idk.. hopefully he will come to his senses and we will get back together.. but idk..
and now the past two days me and his sister have hung out... its krayzee, but im the only friend friend she actually has that she trusts enough to hang out and talk to and all that... she stays home and takes care of their mom... shes real sick... but she loves to chill with me... its great, but i hate when he's home.. bkz all i think about is all the time we spent together and all the fun and laughter and love and everything... ugh, if only he could get in my head and see what im thinking... im too confused to be able to voice my thoughts and feelings... im too scared to voice them... idk... its so confusing..
but anyways, thats pretty much all thats happened in a nut shell.. keeping out the details and all the inbetweens... idk....long long long long story that yall prolly dont wanna here so ima let it drop at what ive told....

anyways.. im off to watching NCIS....

ill be back soon! promise it wont be as long this time... lol..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


so I've got a killer migrain... woke up at midnight with it last night....

and it feels like my head is going to explode. i wanna rip my head off for a few hours, and or pull my eyeballs out of my head so im not affected by the light so badly... blah... this sucks..

yea, so most likely will NOT be up here tonight.. bout to take a nappy nap and get ready for my dreaded class.. blah... catchyall later tomorrow night hopefully!!!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playing catchup!

Hello hello!

Sooo... lets see... last time i posted, was saturday night when we got home.. but it was short and sweet... so heres to playing catchup on the past 2 night events!!!

Saturday: worked allll day long, then went out to the club with my moma and some friends.... and ended up seeing some of my other girls out theere!! omg that night was fun as always... although, there were more fights and drug busts than usual, but it was still pretty fun... cant beat a night out clubbing and dancing our asses off with the girls!!! hahaha

we went back to momas, and ended up doing laundry and cooking mini pizzas... mmm pizza and ranch always is a good combination.. lol... we didnt go to bed til 630 am and had to be to work by 11... that was fun.. blah...

Sunday: worked allll day again, but ran to get chinese twice so i was ok.. lol.. i love terriyaki chicken and white rice with soy sauce... its soooo tasty in my belly!!! lol...

Then i went to my ex's.. which was a mistake in itself, but it was his birthday, so i figured id better stop by.. ended up staying the night, and we fought a lot like usual, but all in all it was ok.. he took me to lunch this morning so its ok... lol.. then we chilled for a bit...

I went to the mall and met up with some of my friends, then went to work and hung out for a bit before class... ended up going to home depot to get an Industrial Hot Water Spray Nozzel for the kitchen.. the guy at home depot knows me well, as im alllways forever getting stuff for work.. lol..

went to class from 6-9 which was boring as mess, but interesting all the same.. the teacher disappeared for like, 45 mins, which was funny to me...

after class, went to work and ate and chilled and then went back to my ex's to get my stuff.... and fell asleep.. lol.. i didnt mean to but i did.. his bed is sooo damd comfy! i miss sleeping in it everynyte when i lived there... blah.. lol..

went to walmart and got him his late bday present and rode a bike around walmart and got into trouble.... i lied n told the lady i was testing it as a present for my son, lol... which im only 19 but she dont know that and i have NO kids thank you.. although it feels like i do so that was fun...

then i dropped off my ex's present and came home... got to talk to my man today though~ hes sooooo sweet and caring and it sucks that he lives in wisconsin.. lol i miss him lots.. hahahaha. ((FYI: we are not dating, but i call him my man bkz i gave him his first kiss when we were little. lol))

anyways.... now im off to eat some mini bagels with cream cheese and some ravelolee..... so, goodnight folks... sweet dreams and no bad bugs! catchya tomorrow night!!!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

quick goodnight!

so im sitting here at my moma's... while her kitten is trying to milk our leapard print comfortor... figured id drop off a quick little note...

we went out tonyte, first time in like, 2 weeks... mad krayzee fun, but everyone and i mean EVERYONE was trying to fight tonight.. so it sucked, but otherwhise it was amazing.

Anyways, we are off to bed for tonight, have an early morning and LOONNNG day of work ahead... but i will catchyall up one the goings on of the past few nights probably monday night, as i wont be home tomorrow night either...


Friday, January 23, 2009


You know, I was just thinking as I was about to log off... I looked at my baby boy Harley (an overweight pomeranian with big buggy eyes who i absolutely ADORE and SPOIL all to hell) and he looked at me and a thought popped into my head....

All you people out there, who read my blogs, no absolutely NOTHING about me.. nothing about MYSELF, nothing about the creater... sure you see a pic of me, but thats really nothing to tell....

SO, i figure i'll tell some of the stuff about myself to let yall understand (maybe) why im so all over the place like i am... here goes.. and please, nobody take ANY affense to anything i type, as its all in the makes of who i am....


The names Devyn. TECHNICALLY Devon with an 'o' not a 'y' but I HATE and DESPISE when people mispronounce my name.. so i changed it. and my dady is perfectly happy with how i changed it.

I am 19 years of age, December 1st is the wonderful day I graced this earth with my crazyness.

I was born with white blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, which changed to light brown hair and bright green eyes in my toddler years, then decided to find a happy middle of the two as i grew into myself and now am a dirty light blonde with blue and green changing eyes.... it works well for me.. i love testing people i know with my eye colour, because its forever changing.

I was born and raised in Wisconsin, OshKosh born, and Barron raised. (both of which you probably have NEVER in your life heard of... but its all good)

My real mom is a bitch. plain and simple. no sugar coating, no silver lining. a plain out bitch.

i have an older sister, 2 years and 7 days older actually.... whom i very seldom speak to unless she needs or wants something.

my dad remarried in 2001.. to a LOVELY woman who has been more of a realll mom to me than my bio mom ever has been....

i've been living in NC with my dady and moma for a little over 5 years now. and i must say, its the best thing to ever happen to me!

I was sposed to go in the army, but changed my mind a week before shipping out because of a stupid boy who i fell stupidly in love with... and now we arent even together. oh well... 2 and a half years of lovely memories, horrible fights, and tears cried that i will never regret.

I am ADHD and a touch of Bi-Polar, as well as a huge night owl (sleep apnia i reckon its called now days).... thanks to my father for those lovely gifts. (hence why im usually allll over the place, and so non making sense and always up late late late at night.)

I'm deathly afraid of clowns, spiders, and the dark.

I have 3 dogs, Kricket, Harley and Maggie... Kricket is myne for real, and Harley is my baby boy, but belongs to the family.. he sleeps with me EVERY single night i'm home.

My family has like, 10 cats... Scout, Indiana Jones, Cody, Sissy, Rummy, Tobey, Ellie May, Jed, Jethro, and Gomer.

only 1 of which is actually mine... that would be Tobey. she was raised by Harley, so she eats dog food, and chews bones... and sleeps with me everyother night. and follows me around the house, and waits for me to get home by the door. its rather cute.

I reckon thatll do.... gives yall some details to ME, and to why im so, well, ME. lol...

No, I do not worry about who reads this stuff and knows this stuff about me.
WHy? becuase for onething, everyone whose anyone who knows me already knows all this and more.... and for another, i'd rather people know the real me than make something up.

I'm not shy about anything.. ANYTHING at all... im very open and honest and couldnt care less about who knows anything about me.

And I'm not afraid of anyone. i've learned that if you fear someone, you end up getting i dont fear anyone at all...

hmmm... okies, well... now yall know a bit bout why i am how i am....
as i said, please take no affense to what i say... i dont mean any harm by any of it.

well ,goodnight ladies and gents!


Few Things Left

OHHHH yes... I have forgotten to mention a few things...

A great big warm THANKS to VaBookWorm for my "You've Been Tagged Award" on your blog!!! glad to know somebody out there gets entertainment from my posts! :) definately made me smile... so THANKS bunches!!!!


and I forgot to explain my work moma and work grammama..... so sit back, relax, and enjoy the read....

Work Moma- Amelia, Bartender at my job, 26, one daughter age 5. when i first started this job, she took me under her wing and taught me the basics about everything... and everyone... who to talk to, who to joke with, who to stay away from, who does what, ect ect..... welllll, as it turns out, we hang out and go out every other weekend and have a night on the town so to speak.... and she gets more than a little tipsy sometimes, and always has something to tell me to watch out for or somebody to watch out for....and if i dont listen, correction, WHEN i dont listen, she fusses at me.... and says every single time "I am your MOMA. well, your WORK MOMA. I have been here WWWAAAAYYY longer than you, so you WILL listen to me and do as i say! Kapeesh???" shes kinda adopted me so i call her my Moma now.... its pretty funny...

Work Grammama- Elaina, Bartender at my job, 24, one daughter age 2. Same as my Work Moma, only she is my Work Moma's moma, so makes her my Work Grammama by adopted default... lol... always there when i need a red bull or cig or whatever else... she goes out with me and Work Moma sometimes as well... so i call her my Grammama... it all works out best for me.. i get the best of both worlds.. lol.

SO there you have it... if i talk about my Moma or Grammama is most likely those two, unless im talking about my dady then its my stepmoma and dady... not those two.. lol...make sense?! yea, doesnt to me either..

welllll, goodnight folks! catchya later!!!! enjoy, sweet dreams, and no bad bugs!


Long Days Past

Okay, so I have fallen a day behind... already!!!
Oh well.. quick little recap of the past 2 or 3 days!!!

Monday night and early tues morning, as I stated before, it snowed... masssiiivvely for NC around my area, (a whole big 6 INCHES!!! Can you believe it?!?!)....

And I must say, I'm ready to get MY car back from the shop. I've been driving my dads while mine is getting fixed, and I think somedays he forgets that I'm a Wisconsinite born and raised (well, till 5 years ago that is!) He FREAKED out when I told him to go start the car so I could go to work tuesday afternoon... said the snow was too deep and the roads were tooo bad to make the 45 minute trip into work....

OK... I would understand the logic behind this scenario for your average every day southerners who can barely drive in a misting sprinkling rain (no affense to you southerners who CAN drive in all weather conditions) but COME ON!!!

I'm from WISCONSIN... where it snows practically YEAR ROUND. Im USED to driving in snow and on ice and sleet and slushy and hail and all sorts of crazy weather!!! I think hes been down here too long and in the sun and has forgotten his and his daughter's roots... I mean, its easier for me to drive in the snow and sleet and slush and ice and rain and storms than during regular sun! because Im used to it! lol.. (jk bout easier, it all seems the same to me truthfully..)

So we had a whole huge argument about that.. which ended up me having to call out on account of "my father's forgetfulness of where he was raised"... which made my managers laugh and so i didnt get in trouble which was grand!

so tues i played in the snow with my dogs all day... and made a fatt little snowman and snowangels and dog angels and wrestled and ran around.... which was all in all a very fun time!

wednesday morning woke up to go to work, and AGAIN me and dady got into it about driving.... then found out my college opened up at noon and i had a 6 oclock class so he had no choice in the matter of me driving that night! :) yay for me... i dont like being stuck inside a house allll day... it drives me insane.

and this brings me to TODAY... which is Thursday...
woke up at 630, got ready and left by 715 to drive 30 mins to my college for an 8 o clock class... which ended up being a waste of time because only like, 5 people showed up and we got out at like, 845 instead of 10..

So I called my work moma (will explain her and my work grammama later on) and she of course, was still passsed out. so i called my manager to see if he wanted breakfast (as i HATE eating alone.. it makes me feel like everyone stares at me... do you ever feel that way?!?!?!) and we got into a play disaggreement about how bojangles doesnt serve chicken ANYTHING until breakfast is over... stupid rules.... and ended up he decided on a bacon egg and cheese biscuit with hashrounds and a tea..... not bad if i say so myself.. although i prefer the gravy biscuits to my own liking. :)

brought him the food and he made me stand out in the cold for 5 mins while he teased me with unlocking the doors... i love my managers, dont get me wrong, but they are sooooo evil sometimes... (sucked for him tho, kuz his food was cold, mine was still nice and hott!!!)

we ate, and then i called my work moma and left her a voicemail about staying up so late on her new laptop on the webcam that she couldnt wake up for her own adopted daughter!!! which made my manager look at me like i was crazy... haha.. little did he know she was on the webcam with me, as i was teaching her about her new laptop and how to work everything.. lol..

then i fixed everything for the openers, and was about to leave when i saw the floor plan wasnt even started... so i did it. A manager is supposed to do it, but this particular manager NEVER does and always makes me end up doing it.... oh well... which he thanked me for and said he was hinting subtly at me doing it by leaving everything on the bar in front of me and walking to the back.... lol.

finally woke my moma up... got to her house, crawled in bed, about to fall asleep again between classes, when i hear boots in the hallway... and in pops her ex hubby and her youngen comes runnin behind yellin "MOMA I"M HOME!!!!!!!! MOMA GET UP! MOOOMMMMMAAAAA!!!!!!!" yea, so definately did NOT get a lovely nap... but it was fun, i love her daughter.. she is the funniest thing in the world sometimes...

we ended up sitting in the living room, dancing, singing (horribly i might ad), and playing with her ponies in the middle of the floor.... we decided to switch it up so she was the moma and we were the babies and started crying and boy oh boy... this little youngen cracks me up! she proceeded to call us cry babys and if we didnt stop crying we had to go to our room... and then she took EVERY pillow in the house and covered us in them and said "my babies are gone! my babies are gone!!!"... lovely child she is... lol..

then i went outlet shopping with my friend... lovelyest time EVER!!! never had soooo much in my life! we made out like bandits too! bags and bags of brand name stuff for cheapcheapcheap.... and the people were soooo much nicer than where we come from!

went back to work, and closed the bar down, and now here i am, sitting on my couch, eating ravioli from the can, watching some weird movie about Killer Condoms (YES i said KILLER CONDOMS) and catching everyone up on my past few days...

Hopefully, since i've gotten the weeks excitement out of me now i can sleep.. we shall see.....

Enjoy the laughs, giggles, chuckles, chortles, snorts, or whatever else you may get from my posts... I love to know I can entertain people without meeting them! :)
