Friday, January 23, 2009


You know, I was just thinking as I was about to log off... I looked at my baby boy Harley (an overweight pomeranian with big buggy eyes who i absolutely ADORE and SPOIL all to hell) and he looked at me and a thought popped into my head....

All you people out there, who read my blogs, no absolutely NOTHING about me.. nothing about MYSELF, nothing about the creater... sure you see a pic of me, but thats really nothing to tell....

SO, i figure i'll tell some of the stuff about myself to let yall understand (maybe) why im so all over the place like i am... here goes.. and please, nobody take ANY affense to anything i type, as its all in the makes of who i am....


The names Devyn. TECHNICALLY Devon with an 'o' not a 'y' but I HATE and DESPISE when people mispronounce my name.. so i changed it. and my dady is perfectly happy with how i changed it.

I am 19 years of age, December 1st is the wonderful day I graced this earth with my crazyness.

I was born with white blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, which changed to light brown hair and bright green eyes in my toddler years, then decided to find a happy middle of the two as i grew into myself and now am a dirty light blonde with blue and green changing eyes.... it works well for me.. i love testing people i know with my eye colour, because its forever changing.

I was born and raised in Wisconsin, OshKosh born, and Barron raised. (both of which you probably have NEVER in your life heard of... but its all good)

My real mom is a bitch. plain and simple. no sugar coating, no silver lining. a plain out bitch.

i have an older sister, 2 years and 7 days older actually.... whom i very seldom speak to unless she needs or wants something.

my dad remarried in 2001.. to a LOVELY woman who has been more of a realll mom to me than my bio mom ever has been....

i've been living in NC with my dady and moma for a little over 5 years now. and i must say, its the best thing to ever happen to me!

I was sposed to go in the army, but changed my mind a week before shipping out because of a stupid boy who i fell stupidly in love with... and now we arent even together. oh well... 2 and a half years of lovely memories, horrible fights, and tears cried that i will never regret.

I am ADHD and a touch of Bi-Polar, as well as a huge night owl (sleep apnia i reckon its called now days).... thanks to my father for those lovely gifts. (hence why im usually allll over the place, and so non making sense and always up late late late at night.)

I'm deathly afraid of clowns, spiders, and the dark.

I have 3 dogs, Kricket, Harley and Maggie... Kricket is myne for real, and Harley is my baby boy, but belongs to the family.. he sleeps with me EVERY single night i'm home.

My family has like, 10 cats... Scout, Indiana Jones, Cody, Sissy, Rummy, Tobey, Ellie May, Jed, Jethro, and Gomer.

only 1 of which is actually mine... that would be Tobey. she was raised by Harley, so she eats dog food, and chews bones... and sleeps with me everyother night. and follows me around the house, and waits for me to get home by the door. its rather cute.

I reckon thatll do.... gives yall some details to ME, and to why im so, well, ME. lol...

No, I do not worry about who reads this stuff and knows this stuff about me.
WHy? becuase for onething, everyone whose anyone who knows me already knows all this and more.... and for another, i'd rather people know the real me than make something up.

I'm not shy about anything.. ANYTHING at all... im very open and honest and couldnt care less about who knows anything about me.

And I'm not afraid of anyone. i've learned that if you fear someone, you end up getting i dont fear anyone at all...

hmmm... okies, well... now yall know a bit bout why i am how i am....
as i said, please take no affense to what i say... i dont mean any harm by any of it.

well ,goodnight ladies and gents!


1 comment:

  1. "I'm not shy about anything.. ANYTHING at all... im very open and honest and couldnt care less about who knows anything about me.

    And I'm not afraid of anyone. i've learned that if you fear someone, you end up getting i dont fear anyone at all..." nice character... thank you Devyn B. for giving introduction about yourself..
